5 Feet of Fury

Another day, another bunch of Christian cowards

Hey, lefties!

You know that group Focus on the Family?

That big giant superduper rich and powerful bunch of crazy rightwing Christians who want to set up an “town elders from Footloose“/Handmaid’s Tale theocracy and take away your right to smoke pot, read V for Vendetta and get lousy blowjobs from strange girls with vomit breath?

Turns out the big brave “culture warriors” are a bunch of wimps:

A statement from a director at Focus on the Family confirms that the major Christian organization has been editing its radio programs in order to accord with Canadian “hate crime” laws. (…)

“Occasionally, albeit very rarely, some content is identified that, while acceptable for airing in the U.S. would not be acceptable under Canadian law and is therefore edited or omitted in Canada.”

But you lefties just keep on yelling “Jerry Falwell!!!” if it makes you feel better.