5 Feet of Fury

Message from a satisfied advertiser on this blog (UPDATED)


Thanks to the fellow who read this post and purchased a BlogAd on this site!

Readers, this is an ad I know you will all appreciate, so watch for it!

You’ve seen the BlogAds ad for the book Imaginary Maps on my blog for a few weeks now.

The author, Canadian poet Darrell Epp, just wrote to me:

I wrote a book of poetry called Imaginary Maps and (surprise!) it wasn’t selling.

Now the ad’s on your site and apparently amazon has sold out its stock and has to order more from my publisher.

He sent me some sample poems, too. And as a poet myself (cough) I am a tough sell– but his are actually good!

Thanks for supporting this blog, Darrell, and congratulations on the success of your book!

And if other readers want to advertise on my blog, the whole process is automated through BlogAds!