5 Feet of Fury

Andrew Richmond at reikman@gmail.com sends me hate mail (UPDATED)

Andrew Richmond at reikman@gmail.com writes:


Mark Stern was not being criminally prosecuted, he was not “on trial”. You and your cronies are a bunch of whiny terds.

“why is there not media outrage?” because nobody cares. Mark Stern is a douche-bag and everyone knows it, and so are you. TVO covered it for a fucking hour.

“The Tyranny of Nice” how fucking privileged you are, that all you have to whinge about is people took offence to an article and wanted to respond to it. go fuck yourself. you poop. lol

Kathy poopface

I knew what Andrew Richmond at reikman@gmail.com meant but had to email Andrew Richmond at reikman@gmail.com back and rub it in: “Who the hell is ‘Mark Stern’?

Andrew Richmond at reikman@gmail.com replies:

Spell check doesn’t fix names you dumbass!
Mark Stern, Mark Steyn  whatever the fuck,
Anyways no one like you.

XOXO hugs and kisses

Once again: that’s Andrew Richmond at reikman@gmail.com

UPDATE: heh.

UPDATE: Why, yes — my SEO services ARE available for a price… Why do you ask…?

Screenshot taken November 3, 10:45 AM ET: