5 Feet of Fury

George Jonas: repeal Canada’s hate speech laws

George Jonas writes:

A law that takes an “expansive” view of discriminatory conduct based on the subjective feelings of groups selected to be immunized against existential trauma, then bases censure or sanctions against conduct that falls short of this standard, not on what the “actors” had actually done or intended to do, but on the effect their actions may have had on the most hostile or sensitive or vulnerable member of an immunized group, and finally adds insult to injury by describing this arbitrary, coercive and iniquitous process as “a non-adjudicative resolution of a ‘dispute,’” turns society into a mixture between Orwell’s 1984 and a Monty Python skit. (…)

When Canada’s human rights industry, emboldened by its success with netting small fry — a teacher here, a preacher there — set its sights on the big fish swimming in the mainstream media, it opened itself to the risk of running into Moby Dick. As it happened, it ran into a whole school, from Ken Whyte’s harpoon-resistant Maclean’s magazine to a mix between a whale and a mongoose named Ezra Levant, and of course the world’s only cetacean with a sense of humor, Mark Steyn.

The biggest whale turned out to be the Internet itself, looming immense, committed solidly to the freedom of the seas. The good ship CHRC was no match against such fish.