5 Feet of Fury

You do NOT want Ezra Levant mad at you

Ezra Levant responds to Professor Moon’s National Post op-ed on the Canadian Human Rights Commissions:

Richard Moon is a middling professor at a low-profile law school. He hit the jackpot with his $52,500 brochure, and he was embarrassed that I publicized that dollar amount. Well, he should be.

But in his anger at me for embarrassing him, he has become a clown. I mean, seriously: was his Saskatchewan speech really appropriate for the occasion? A blog post, maybe; a debate panel, sure. But, invited to talk about human rights commissions, he spends a half hour ranting about me and Mark Steyn, and nitpicking my blog entries (and not accurately). Is that really what he wants to do in the winter of his life? How sad. But his falsehoods in defence of the CHRC are becoming even more embarrassing than his stratospheric invoices to the taxpayer. He’s making it worse. Just reading his speech sounds like he’s screaming.

Or Mark Steyn…

Shame on Professor Moon for his defence of the racket. He’s being far more “false” and “misleading” on the point than anything Ezra and I have said. And, for a statist blowhard who huffs and puffs about how “malicious” the critics of the CHRC are, you’re getting a politer response than you deserve. Straighten up and fly right, daddy-o.