5 Feet of Fury

‘Sarah Palin goes down cheap at Amazon’

Another day, another sexist left wing man.

Since leaving the left, I’ve yet to hear a right wing man talk like this, but my former “comrades” do it all the time, as we saw during the last election, and we continue to see in their highly sexualized attacks on Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin.

As I told you earlier this week, Amazon and Wal-Mart are in a price war over Sarah Palin’s new book. 

These guys however, see that $9 price as further evidence of some kind of vast conservative conspiracy. And while it is true that, going back to A Choice, Not an Echo, the conservative Establishment has developed a well oiled method for getting books into people’s hands, that doesn’t explain stuff like this:

Anyway, these losers are coming out with a parody of Palin’s book, too. Pathetic. And sure to backfire.

PS: it isn’t just the men. Someone named “Lori R. Price, Managing Editor, Citizens For Legitimate Government” chimes in via the comments, anxious to be seen as one of the boys.