5 Feet of Fury

Press ‘1’ for ‘Happy Birthday’

CakeWrecks is a funny site. I visit almost daily.

What isn’t funny is the thought that, if people who don’t speak English and can’t comprehend basic idiomatic expressions are mangling your cake decorations, what are they doing to your prescriptions and 911 calls and delivery orders and…

Note the contextual b*nn*r *d that’s been popping up on this blog recently, offering legal assistance for immigrants to Canada? Notice that this lawyer’s ad contains TWO typo in the space of 25 words?

Yep, just keeping thinking of all the great restaurants (where they can’t read the health and safety regulations…)

It delights me no end to think of all the liberal idiots in Toronto whose last words will be to call me a “racist” one more time — just before that nice, hard working, decent and totally clueless foreign born nurse shoots them full of the wrong stuff.

Related, from our “Mow Your Own Goddamn Lawn” file:

The Census Bureau tells us that if immigration continues at its current rate of nearly two million people a year, whites will become a minority of the under-18 child population in just 14 years—in 2023—and will become a minority of the working population just 16 years later.

The greatest increase will be in Hispanics, who are now dropping out of high school at higher rates than blacks, doing little better than blacks when they manage to stay in school, and are the group least likely to go to college. Demographers are beginning to warn that as well-educated, white baby boomers retire and are replaced by poorly educated blacks and Hispanics, the productivity gains of the last several hundred years will be reversed, and the United States could go into a tailspin. (…)

Hispanics who have been in the country for three generations or more are still less likely even than blacks to graduate from college. (…)

What would most baffle Enoch Powell about all this is why there is so much talk about bridging the achievement gaps but so little talk about keeping Hispanic immigrants out of the country. If Hispanics are not good additions to the workforce, why let more in?