5 Feet of Fury

Media Matters cites itself as expert source

My latest post at David Horowitz’s NewsRealBlog looks at Media Matters’ mockery of Tea Party protests:

The grammatically challenged Boehlert finds this amusing and hopes you do, too:

“Laugh along as I highlight the press didn’t miss that story…because 2 million people never showed up in D.C. According to best official counts, there were actually 1.9 million fewer people than that; about 70,000.”

As proof, Boehlert cites… other Media Matters posts. You’d think he’d link the words “best official counts” to an official count or two. You’d be wrong.

The fact is, the D.C. capitol police and the National Parks Service have declined to release official counts. (Which may explain why Eric the Excitable couldn’t link to any.)

And why the refusal, you ask? Well…