5 Feet of Fury

‘If You Don’t Get Islamic Ideology, You Don’t Get the Problem in Afghanistan’

My “Shorter Andy McCarthy Today”:

“They want us there — as long as we’re keeping ‘bad’ Muslims from killing ‘good’ Muslims. Which really comes down to Tribe A who hasn’t liked Tribe B for 200 years anyhow.

“BUT they won’t help us keep Muslims from killing non-Muslims (like us) — which was supposed to be our whole reason for going, i.e., destroying terrorist training camps.

“The ‘good’ Muslims and the ‘bad’ Muslims all agree on their hatred of us.”

Meanwhile, Diana West says screw it:

It is time, as retired Army Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely first told me last April, to “let Afghanistan go.” It is not in our interests to civilize it.

But we would “lose face” in leaving Afghanistan, supporters say. News flash: We lose face every day in Afghanistan executing a costly, impotent policy based on massive state bribery, the public devaluation of American life (“population protection” trumps “force protection”), and deference to Islamic custom, as when female Marines are ordered to wind head scarves under their helmets for missions.  (…)

it occurred to me that these men and others like them can’t hurt us from their hilltops.

That is, what happens in Afghanistan stays in Afghanistan — or Pakistan or Saudi Arabia — if we (duh) impose wartime restrictions on travel from and to Shariah states.

But that cramps our freedom, critics will say. Well, so does standing in line to de-clothe and show our toothpaste because Hani Hanjour might be on the plane.

Funny kind of “freedom” we’re now used to. And funny kind of war we fight to protect it — a war for Shariah states abroad while a growing state of Shariah shrinks freedom at home.