5 Feet of Fury

Glenn Beck’s ‘Musings’ were a joke — but Media Matters didn’t get it

From my latest post at David Horowitz’s NewsReal blog:

Frankly, I’m a bit shocked by Beck’s fondness for Muse. I can’t believe he doesn’t know that one of the musicians in Muse is a “9/11 Truther,” who also asserts the contradictory view that “America asked for it.”

After all, Van Jones, a favorite target of Beck’s before his resignation as White House “green jobs czar,” was connected to those who believe “9/11 was an inside job.”

Amusingly, Media Matters is either too lazy or too dumb to even raise those contradictions in this particular “critique” of Glenn Beck — if you can really call a web post consisting entirely of a snarky headline and a five-minute audio clip a “critique.”

It’s like I’m doing their job for them. Maybe George Soros, the far-left billionaire who funds Media Matters, should cut me a check…