5 Feet of Fury

‘Stop allowing the Left to set the rules’


And stop accepting their premises too. If I hear one more conservative obligingly say, “Of course, I’m all in favor of multiculturalism/free health care/gay marriage/being forced to rent my property to people I don’t want to/registering my guns, BUT…”

Lloyd Marcus writes:

I am a black conservative singer, songwriter, entertainer and columnist. Liberals have posted comments all over YouTube and C-SPAN freely using and calling me the “N” word. Because they are libs and I am an uppity, off the liberal plantation, run-away black, all tactics to restore me to my owners are acceptable.


I was asked to perform at a tea party event. The organizer informed me, “I want to get away from calling the rally a “Tea Party” because the liberal media have made the term negative”.

I said, “Does this mean you do not want me to sing my “American Tea Party Anthem”? Then, why am I here?” Politeness to my host prevented me from saying, “News flash, pal! The media is going to trash us regardless of what we call our rallies. It’s what they do. They are not on our side. Should we keep changing what we call the rallies in hope of finding a name which will cause the media to give us fair coverage”?

A million people showed up in Washington DC for the September 12th Taxpayers Rally. The media reported 70,000.


News1News posted my CNN interview on YouTube with the following caption, “African American Right Wing (Obama Hating) Singing Tea Bagger, Lloyd Marcus”.