5 Feet of Fury

Have you picked up Michael Coren’s new book yet?

Because if you haven’t, you’re missing stuff like this:

Just like when I was a child and that longed-for present wasn’t in Santa’s sack, my hopes were dashed this week when I wasn’t included on the list of the first inductees into Canada’s Queer Hall of Fame. Pierre Trudeau, swimmer Mark Tewksbury and drag queen Robert Kaiser, known as Joan-E, were there but I was ignored. I can’t say it doesn’t hurt because it does.


 As ridiculous as the entire enterprise is, it’s not really about homosexuality, fame or even dressing up. It’s about a country that obsesses about celebrating what keeps us apart rather than what binds us together and emphasizing group rather than individual rights.

Canada is a tenuous nation at best and what we have done since the days of Trudeau and the Charter is to enshrine and empower the moans and groans of every minority interest group in the country.

Gay people have a right to be gay. Just as Muslim or Jewish people, sports fans or Star Trek devotees or anybody else have a perfect right to be exactly who they are and what they want to be. But their first and most important loyalty should not be to their sexuality, religion or hobby but to their citizenship. This was the case at one time in our history but no longer.