5 Feet of Fury

Media Matters: big picture “progressives” obsessed with minutiae of the past

My new beat at David Horowitz’s NewsReal blog is (ugh!) Media Matters, the toxic “media watchdog” group I like to call a la Mark Steyn, “The George Soros Steno Pool.” I’ve got a new post up about one of their latest goofy “exposes”.

Since this means Media Matters may now put me in their “investigative” crosshairs, allow me to save Mr. Soros a few bucks, and his interns some carpal tunnel therapy time:

I’m an ex-drunk who slept around when I could manage it; my mother was married three times, once to a guy who ended up in the nut house, and another time to a drunken pervert — my dad was just a garden variety loser; I didn’t go to college, and my resume includes such gems as “movie theatre popcorn girl” and various glorified secretarial jobs. When I was an invalid, I lived on the dole. Got my last government arts grant around 1991. Now I write for money. All the right people hate me because I’m a racist, redneck, anti-immigrant, Muslim-hating homophobe fat slut who needs to get raped!

If anyone has anything else (and I know you do!), they can shoot it over to Media Matters.