5 Feet of Fury

‘Does Seinfeld still matter?’

“My” rabbi, New York’s Simcha Weinstein, has some ideas:

Curb Your Enthusiasm returns to HBO on September 20, and this seventh season of the critically acclaimed, award-winning comedy series may turn out to be its best yet.

That’s because this season will really be a combination of two hit shows in one.

In the alternate showbiz universe of Curb Your Enthusiasm, the cast of Curb creator Larry David’s previous (real life) hit show, Seinfeld, are getting together for a (fictional) cast reunion special.

Jerry Seinfeld, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Jason Alexander, and Michael Richards and other stars of that classic 1990s sitcom will show up to work out the reunion’s logistics with their old colleague Larry, and hilarity will no doubt ensue.

When this plot line leaked out, you could sense the, well, enthusiasm in the media and beyond. Anyone who wondered if the world still cared about some “old” sitcom called Seinfeld got their answer: a resounding yes. Seinfeld marked the beginning of a new golden age of Jewish comedy. It still matters.

I’ll take that one step further, and argue that Curb Your Enthusiasm matters even more…