5 Feet of Fury

‘He used to watch Davey & Goliath, but he thought the idea of a talking dog was blasphemous..’

Oh man, did you know you could get Davey & Goliath on DVD?

When I got older, I used to watch that show either drunk or hungover. What can I say, I’m Catholic, not Lutheran… Davey & Goliath is right up there as one of The Most Protestant Shows Ever.

But as a kid, I liked it. I was a pretty goody goody kid and was hyper about learning about right and wrong.

It was also one of the first TV shows that had regular black characters who weren’t “The Black Character!!” but just a normal part of the show.

It’s hip to make fun of Davey & Goliath, but seriously: it would be great if we had more wholesome, well meaning shows for kids that were made with this much love and care today.

Even as a kid, I could tell that lots of thought and effort went into Davey & Goliath, and that touched me.

Check it out if you want a literal blast from the past — the site’s video has the show’s loud (Protestant) theme song.

But don’t watch these Davey & Goliath DVDs stoned, because that makes Baby Jesus cry!