5 Feet of Fury

Remember: Howard Kurtz has a newspaper column. And you don’t.

I had to read this a couple of times:

Beck, by contrast, drew an avalanche of coverage for calling President Obama a “racist” who harbors “a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture” — the remarks that triggered the boycott. He also raised the race issue against Jones, touting a videotape in which the activist said last year that “the white polluters and the white environmentalists are essentially steering poison into the people of color communities.”

Yep: Glenn Beck “raised the race issue against Jones” by… “touting” an earlier recording of Jones slagging white people.

Bad Beck! Bad, bad, bad!! (Don’t forget “crazy”!)

And of course, Kurtz — like all his MSM pals — gets something else wrong, either through sheer ignorance or design:

The second, more serious offense was that he had signed a 2004 petition charging “that people within the current administration may indeed have allowed 9/11 to happen, perhaps as a pretext to war.” Jones said he didn’t agree with that view, but his signature was on the “truther” document. 

When, of course, the more damning fact is that (I’m getting so sick of having to keep pointing this out) Jones was also on the organizing committee for a January 2002 event calling for “answers” about 9/11 — answers to some pretty flaky questions, one of which put scare quotes around the word “hijackers.”

This column features lots of good stuff, and a well deserved scolding of this fellow MSM-ers. But is it too much to ask that somebody a) recharge their irony detector before sitting down to write and b) spend ten minutes getting the real story, which is available throughout the blogosphere?