British media have revealed that the intelligence services have prevented dozens of terror attacks from Muslim extremists, and there have been many major exposes of English mosques where violence and intense hatred are regularly preached. There also exist several recordings of Taliban fighters speaking in strong regional accents only used by people born and raised in England.
There are 1.6 million Muslims living in Britain and, according to the most extensive survey so far conducted, 45% of them believe that 9/11 was an American or Israeli conspiracy. Almost 25% argue that the 7/7 attacks in London were justified because of the British government’s involvement in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The same number, around a quarter, believe Britain is not their country and 30% would rather live under shariah law.
Twenty-eight percent hope that Britain will eventually become a Muslim fundamentalist nation and a massive 78% advocate punishment for anybody who displays cartoons offensive to Islam, such as those of Muhammad published in Denmark. (…)
The problems are deep, profound and disturbing. If we’re sufficiently brave and original we have to intellectualize the instinctive and ask what many know to be an obvious question. Is this about Britain and the West or — however complex and whether we like it or not — is it all about Islam?