5 Feet of Fury

‘Why nobody reads your blog…’

I run hot and cold with ShoeMoney, one of the “blogging blogs” I read every day.

One minute, I’m inspired, and learn a neat trick or two.

The next minute, the ShoeMoney guy, Jeremy Schoemaker, is posting pix of his visit to the Playboy Mansion as part of some “online marketing” event, and I’m going, “Eghn.”

(And won’t somebody tell me why all these “online marketing gurus” — from Seth Godin to Darren Rowse — are bald? Seriously…)

Anyway, he just posted a great little piece called “Why Nobody Reads Your Blog”, which sounds like I wrote it, so some of you might like it, too.

Here’s an excerpt:

If I have an opinion about a topic I write about it.

If I think someone is an asshole I write about it.

If I think some company sucks balls I write about it.

Other then Firefox’s spellchecker I don’t spell check my posts.

One of the biggest things is you have to be willing to stick your pecker out.  Quit being so scared. Quit trying to be what you think people want you to be and be yourself.

Are people going to disagree with you? Absolutely!

Are people going to make blog posts about how you don’t know what your talking about?  For sure!

But if you are willing to be yourself and show the world your a regular dumb ass like them, before you know it people will start to connect with you and subscribe to your blog.

My first response was: “Firefox has spellchecker?”

The other thing is: Shoemoney has a new program out called the SEO Checkup Tool. I haven’t used it yet because it just came online, but these guys seem to know what they’re talking about.

If you’ve been trying to get better Google rankings for your blog, it might be something to look into.

When you click on this link, you’ll get to see a video of Schoemaker talking about what this new tool does, so if you hate videos or are at work, well, sorry.

They’re offering a cheap (not FREE) 10 day trial of SEO Checkup Tool, plus you get some other stuff.

SEO Checkup Tool will only interest you if you run a blog or other site that runs ads, and you’re wondering how to increase the chances of someone finding you on Google, and getting more traffic.

I like stuff like this, but your mileage may vary.