5 Feet of Fury

Agreed. Except: they really ARE backward…

Andrew McCarthy writes:

Mind you, I’m no dove. I daresay I’m as much or more of a hawk than the nation-building side of the house. I’ve bit my tongue for a long time, and it kills me to write this, because I’ve never bought the nonsense about how you can support the troops but not support the mission. (…)

But I think Rich, Pete, and others I admire — Bill Kristol, Fred Kagan, and Jen Rubin, for example — go too far in their condemnation of Will. Americans have a right to wonder what on earth we’re doing.

(…) There is no political will for it now because, without first defeating the enemy, we tried to reprise the Marshall Plan in a place where it won’t work. (…)

We can’t stop Muslim countries from being Islamist. That is their choice. It should be no concern of ours who rules them as long as they do not threaten American interests. When they inevitably do threaten us, or allow their territories to be launch pads for terrorists, we should smash them. But the price of defending our nation cannot be spending years — at a cost of precious lives and hundreds of billions of dollars — in a vain attempt to give people who despise us a way of life they don’t want.

Meanwhile, we must accept that Islamism is our enemy and has targeted our constitutional system for destruction by slow strangulation via sharia. Instead of worrying about democracy in Afghanistan, we need to worry about democracy in America.

The surge we need is at home: to roll back Islamism’s infiltration of our schools, our financial system, our law, and our government. In addition to not being universal, the “values of the human spirit” are not immortal. If we don’t defend them in the West, they will die.

I reluctantly agree.

The people of Afghanistan etc are backward tribalists and child molesters whose penchant for cousin marriage has knocked at least ten points off their IQs.

Waiting for a Jefferson or Franklin to magically emerge from this genetic soup and that barren landscape is well-meaning foolishness.

I supported the war in part because I hated the anti-war crowd, having been one of them earlier in life.

But I supported a war in which we would nuke Tora Bora, not build schoolhouses for people who have never valued education.

The Japanese and Germans were High Cultures that went temporarily insane.

With many of the insane safely dead, we were right to help out the living.

AFTER we crushed them.

We are doing too much building and not enough crushing.

A hundred Afghan people aren’t worth one Canadian soldier.

If everyone had listened to me (yelling at my tv at the time), we would have nuked Afghanistan no later than 2PM ET on September 11,2001.

It isn’t too late, except for the families of those killed to bring gifts to people who do not want or appreciate them.

We should blast the place to bits, then come home.