5 Feet of Fury

Further thoughts on yesterday’s free speech victory in Canada

Mark Steyn has the best link round up so far — I hope he’ll leave it up on his homepage for a while so everyone can see it.

(UPDATE: everything is now available at Steyn’s site at this link.)

I got a lot of emails yesterday to the effect of, “Well, this wasn’t a REAL court so Section 13 wasn’t REALLY declared ‘unconstitutional’ so…”

So what?

Some of you people think WAY too much.

All this timid, paranoid, sucky, lawyerly “on the one hand, on the other hand” crap is exactly what got us into this mess in the first place.

Look, here’s what yesterday’s ruling means:

For twenty years, the bad guys got to pretend that something was constitutional.

For the next twenty years, we get to say it isn’t.

Who cares what is or isn’t in the stupid Charter?

The U.S. Constitution was divinely inspired, and crafted by geniuses the likes of which the world had never seen, and will never seen again.

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms or whatever it’s called, was put together a few years ago by a bunch of mediocrities, none of whom were smarter than I am, and some of whom were actually French.

It. Doesn’t. Matter. What. It. Says.

The Charter has as much import and impact upon my life as the instruction manual that came with my microwave.

Stop living your life as if this useless scrap of paper has any power or meaning. 

There. Don’t you feel better already?

What? You’re too sucky to take that leap? WHY?

Who cares why, come to think of it. Just get off my blog and go read some tremulous careerist party hack lawyer’s mental masturbation.  I’m afraid I’ll catch cooties from your eyeball rays if you don’t leave.