5 Feet of Fury

Good one

Roger E., old timer:

In those days I was on a 10 p.m. newscast on one of the local stations. The anchor was an A.A. member. So was one of the reporters. After we got off work, we went to the 11 p.m. meeting at the Mustard Seed. There were maybe a dozen others. The chairperson asked if anyone was attending their first meeting. A guy said, “I am. But I should be in a psych ward. I was just watching the news, and right now I’m hallucinating that three of those people are in this room.” 

So now it’s confirmed: he was drunk when he wrote this.

Shit, wish I’d thought of “drunch”.

PS: dear atheists — this is why you bug other people so much:

I went to a few meetings of “4A” (“Alcoholics and Agnostics in A.A.”), but they spent too much time talking about God.

You’re welcome.