AN Eskimo-shaped sweet eaten innocently by Kiwis for decades has raised the ire of native Canadians who claim it is offensive in both shape and name.
A young Canadian tourist travelling in New Zealand, Seeka Parsons, says she was appalled by the sale of Eskimo sweets, an iconic marshmallow treat sold widely in corner stores across New Zealand.The native Canadian said the word Eskimo itself was an insult in her country, carrying with it negative racial connotations, and has long since been replaced with Inuit.
Not only has the name of the lolly aroused painful memories, she believes the shape is an unfair stereotype of her people, the Taranaki Daily News reported.
Hey, I’ve got an idea, lady:
Why not get upset that your ancestors didn’t invent the airplane that took you to New Zealand, or the machinery that makes desserts, or the system of commerce that sells them to the public, or the newspapers that let you bitch, or the computer I’m typing this on?
Actually, that IS what really pisses you off most. But that’s the one thing you can’t say.
PS: if by “shape” you mean “fat”, the word “unfair” isn’t the one you’re looking for…
Eskimo Eskimo Eskimo Eskimo Eskimo Eskimo Eskimo Eskimo Eskimo Eskimo Eskimo Eskimo Eskimo Eskimo Eskimo Eskimo Eskimo Eskimo Eskimo Eskimo Eskimo Eskimo Eskimo Eskimo Eskimo Eskimo Eskimo Eskimo Eskimo Eskimo Eskimo Eskimo Eskimo Eskimo