5 Feet of Fury

B’nai Brith: too stupid to really be Jewish?

Jews don’t really run the world — but some of ’em act like they want to!

Way to fight all those anti-semitic slurs, Jews!!

Ezra Levant slams B’nai Brith’s hypocrisy, and takes more shots at The Guy Who Is Suing Us:

To date, the concept of “hate crimes” has been bad enough — grafting a political offence onto existing criminal offences. So someone who hits you is guilty of assault and battery; someone who hits you because you’re gay or Jewish or black is guilty of assault and battery and “hate”. It treats victims differently based on their “identity”, and it starts to criminalize emotions — for that is what “hate” is.

But look at what the B’nai Brith is doing. They don’t just want to graft “hate” onto existing crimes. They want hate itself to be a crime. Worse, actually: mere “denial” of a historical fact.