5 Feet of Fury

Anti-Jennifer Lynch t-shirts — NOW with NEW offer! (Aug 11 update)

August 11 UPDATE:

Incredibly, our official tshirt supplier, conserva-dude & good guy Alexander of HollywoodLoser.com just emailed with an amazing new offer for those of you considering buying one of these all new, recommended-by-Mark-Steyn fundraising tshirts!

He writes:

For the next week, I will donate $5 not just from the sale of Anti-HRC shirts, but from ALL shirts from the entire Alexander of Hollywood Collection to the Freedom Five’s Legal Defense Fund.

There’s over 60 stylish and/or smart-ass designs to choose from — including the ragingly hot KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON, which is now available in both Traditional Version and also the new Celebrity Supersized Version.

(And of course our exclusive Shaidle Shirts, featuring Kathy’s famous line “You’re not smart enough to tell me how to live.”)

Even if you don’t want an Anti-HRC Slogan Contest shirt, I will STILL donate the $5 from the sale of any HL item to any customer who mentions in their order that they read Mark Steyn, Ezra Levant, FiveFeetofFury, etc, and they want the $5 donation to go to the Free Speech defendants.

Tell me you were referred to my store by ANY of the Canadian anti-censorship bloggers and the $5 donation will be made.

So you don’t even need to buy an Anti-HRC shirt to help fight the HRCs!

This is VERY generous of Alex because it costs him $$$ to create every new silkscreen, including the ones for the Jennifer Lynch shirts.

PLUS he always offers FREE SHIPPING on all North American orders.

AND he takes custom orders (hint…)

Here’s my personal favorite of all his t-shirts.

Thanks again to HollywoodLoser.com!

Mark Steyn says buy some!

In (dis)honour of Canada’s Censor in Chief, BCF held a tshirt contest.

Now you can see the winning designs, very generously provided by the Official Tshirt Supplier to the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy (Canadian Div.) — Alexander of Hollywood!

Alex is also very generously donating $5 from each $20 contest t-shirt purchased to the Freedom Five legal defense fund (i.e., me and the other bloggers being sued).

PLUS you get FREE SHIPPING across North America, on these shirts and the others on his website.

As RightGirl reminds us:

Jennifer Lynch keeps a blacklist of websites she and her commission are maligned on (Hi Jen, I know you’re here!). Canadian lefties who still decry McCarthyism see nothing wrong with Jennifer’s List.

Jennifer Lynch employs people to pose as Nazis on white supremacist websites, in order to draw further “hatred and contempt” towards minorities, so they can then prove themselves useful by prosecuting someone. The Canadian Human Rights Commission is a self-perpetuating cycle of hatred and contempt.

“Hatred and Contempt” are words within our Human Rights Act. In fact, those words form part of the most contemptible piece of legislation I have ever read in the civilized Western world.

Here’s the winning design:

This page ALSO links to the other finalists.

Congratulations, everyone!