5 Feet of Fury

‘People kept talking about restaurants’

Will Christopher Caldwell’s new book about be the first nail — finally — in the coffin of the multiculturalism cult?

Others have written similar things (cough) and been ruined or the victims of attempted ruination (cough) by self-appointed “anti-racists” and moral exhibitionists (cough cough).

We shall see:

Although at the time Powell’s demographic projections were much snickered at, they have turned out not just roughly accurate but as close to perfectly accurate as it is possible for any such projections to be:

In his Rotary Club speech, [November 16 1968] Powell shocked his audience by  stating that the nonwhite population of Britain, barely over a million at the time, would rise to 4.5 million by 2002. (According to the national census, the actual “ethnic minority” population of Britain in 2001 was  4,635,296.)”

One moves swiftly and imperceptibly from a world in which affirmative action can’t be ended because its beneficiaries are too weak to a world in which it can’t be ended because its beneficiaries are too strong. (…)

The policing of tolerance had no inbuilt limits and no obvious logic. Why was ‘ethnic pride’ a virtue and ‘nationalism’ a sickness? Why was an  identity like  ‘Sinti/Roma’ legitimate but an  identity like ‘white’ out of bounds? Why had it suddenly become criminal to ask questions today that it was considered a citizen’s duty to ask ten years ago?” (…)

As the Jews accumulated ‘rivals’ with an interest in dislodging them from their position as Europe’s top victims, the system was suddenly turned inside out. The ideology of diversity and racial harmony … now became the means through which anti-Jewish fury was reinjected into European life. … If the Muslims were the  new Jews, apparently, then the Jews were the new Nazis.

When, of course, it’s the Muslims who are the new Nazis.

PS: memo to The Guy Who Is Suing Us and his fellow “Nazi-fighters”:

“I think that the lofty idea of ‘the war on racism’ is gradually turning into a hideously false ideology. … And this anti-racism will be for the twenty-first century what communism was for the twentieth century: a source of violence.”