5 Feet of Fury

‘The Political Conservatism of John Hughes’ (2006)

An oldish Slate column resurfaces:

Gen X nostalgia is as interesting for what it remembers as for what it chooses to ignore. Every so often, you’ll turn on TBS and be forced to take inventory of the popular culture of your youth. Trading Places delivered its comeuppance with a switcheroo act of commodities fraud;* the true nemesis of Ghost Busters wasn’t Gozer but the EPA; Stripes is all about making a kind of screwball peace with the military-industrial complex

Sure enough, there’s Harold Ramis—another Lampoon alum, who directed Hughes’ screenplay for Vacation—reflecting on the Chicago Seven hearings in a recent interview with the Believer: “They ran up and down the street, smashing car windows and stuff. My first reaction was, ‘Yeah, right on!’ But then I thought, ‘Wait, I’m parked out there.’ “