5 Feet of Fury

Will someone please explain Bill Whittle’s career to me? (UPDATE)

I always hated the blog Eject Eject Eject, an overrated snooze fest of overwritten cliches, and “essays” that went on forever, topped off by Grand Conclusions that, well, I’d already learned in grade eleven religion class.

Now Whittle’s on PJTV, and I’m listening to him on Dennis Miller’s radio show right now. Miller thinks Whittle’s latest video is brilliant even though “it’s a little long”. (Some things never change)

But please — why do people think Whittle is such a genius?? His take on how the media treats people it doesn’t like is stuff you and I already know. No great new insights, just Media/PR 101. His jokes aren’t funny either.


UPDATE via Andrea Harris, who really should be the one with the career Bill Whittle is currently enjoying…

There’s a sort of lugubrious, overbearing, particularly masculine sentimentality that pervades American culture and has almost from the very beginning. People who express themselves in this vein tend to be very wordy, and tend to have a set of ideas that they continually chew over. It’s not exactly grudge-holding or obsessive, but it is boring after the fiftieth rendition of “everything was better when I was a kid.”

OK, except that makes him sound like Paul Harvey, and Harvey was way more talented.

It really isn’t Whittle’s style that gets under my skin. It’s his mediocrity.