5 Feet of Fury

Political violence more common and acceptable on the Left

John Hawkins writes:

…compare the ferocious condemnation of George Tiller’s assassin, Scott Roeder, by anti-abortion groups, to the liberal embrace of cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal and Leonard Peltier, who murdered two FBI agents.

As a general rule, if you find a large liberal protest, you’ll find liberals carrying signs urging that Abu-Jamal and Peltier be freed. A Christian who murders an abortion doctor is treated as a disgrace to the movement. A leftist who murders a police officer gets not-so-silent support from the left.

Here in Canada, somebody tried to burn down the abortion clinic on Toronto’s Harbord Street, but the women’s bookstore next door bore the brunt of the damage. I can’t find out who did that — did they ever charge anyone?

Other than that, much of our political violence has come from the Left: the Litton bombing, the Wimmin’s Fire Brigade targeting Red Hot Video, Oka and other native b.s., and of course the FLQ.

Yet Canada’s Official Jews (who are all men of the left, of course) insist upon focusing their time and donors’ money on intnernet Nazis.

Meanwhile, David Warren writes:

On Monday, Michael Polowin contributed a useful piece to these pages in which he called himself a “liberal,” in defiance of those who say he is “slightly to the right of Attila the Hun.”

Now, before going a horsehoof farther, let me remind the unthinking reader that Attila was, for all his personal virtues and vices, decidedly a man of the left: a statist and an extreme regulator. So were both Genghis and Kublai Khan, incidentally, and in their various historical contexts, usurping Chinese emperors from Qin Shi Tuang to Mao-Tse Tung, the more innovative Egyptian pharaohs, Vlad the Impaler, Ivan the Terrible, Otto von Bismarck, and Benito Mussolini (thought we’d give Hitler a rest today): a gallery of typical leftist and statist control freaks, who all made their trains run on time.