5 Feet of Fury

So why not just let in fewer Mexicans?

“GOP: Too Old, Too White To Win:”

This tension between what the base wants and what the party needs to attract non-white voters is hardly a new concern. In 1960, Richard Nixon did pretty well among black voters. However, after Barry Goldwater opposed civil rights legislation, Republicans never recovered. Some of the very same Democrats who had uttered some of the most vile, racist statements in the history of Congress became the beneficiaries of a block vote for any and all Democrats.

So: if this many people vote based on race and/or merely the letter after somebody’s name — and we all know they do but won’t admit it; and we can’t change our own race, obviously; and can’t change aparty without changing its principles; and we can’t change the minds of people who are being this tribal and irrational on all sides, no matter what arguments we present…

Then the only real solution to this “problem” (not to mention many others, especially in this economy) is to slow/cut off Mexican immigration to the U.S. immediately.