5 Feet of Fury

Get Michelle Malkin’s new book for only $1

Michelle Malkin’s hotly anticipated new book is coming out any day now. It’s called Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies.

It’s all about the self-described “communists,” radical sixties retreads and other creeps Obama’s hired to work in the White House.

I’m looking forward to Michelle making the talk radio rounds to promote this book — she isn’t a guest as often as she should be.

Now: here’s how you can get Culture of Corruption for just a buck:

If you’re not already a member of the Conservative Book Club, you can join and select three books for $1 each.

So, if you’re interested:

I’m a member of the Conservative Book Club even though I’m Canadian, because I want to support them and because I figure the shipping fees I’m charged subsequently are a wash since I got my first set of books for under $5.

Your mileage may vary.

And yes, I’m an affiliate too — when you join the Conservative Book Club through my links I get a generous “finder’s fee”, which helps keep this blog running.