5 Feet of Fury

Another raving fan

Hilary White, who is no slouch herself, writes:

Today, when I was having my daily call with my editor, I used the expression “my inner Kathy Shaidle”.

I think “Kathy Shaidle” needs to be coined as a verb. “To Kathy Shaidle” should mean to express oneself without the slightest nod to the accepted niceties of expression;

to speak bluntly about topics considered sacrosanct;

deliberately to face up to and comment freely upon subjects that are considered taboo by the bien pensants;

to blast Goodthinkfulness to smithereens on a daily basis.

Colloquial: “They tried to silence me with lawsuits and visits from Ahmed the killer pimp, but I Shaidled their cringing politically correct butts”.

You guys are too much.