5 Feet of Fury

Mark Steyn: ‘Statist Fat Cats vs. Blazing Cat Fur’

Mark Steyn is often nice enough to name-check me in his Maclean’s column. This week, it’s my husband’s turn…

Oh, dear, what’s the country coming to? Defenders of state censorship are too cowed to speak out in favour of not letting people speak out? You could hardly ask for a better snapshot of the degradation of “human rights” in contemporary Canada than the chief censor whining to a banqueting suite full of government apparatchiks that the ingrate citizenry are insufficiently respectful of them. The bureaucrats at the top table control hundreds of millions of public dollars. Jennifer Lynch represents state power; Ezra and I represent a bunch of impecunious bloggers. Yet the Dominion of Canada has been reduced to complaining that Blazing Cat Fur is out to get it.

“Human rights” are rights for human, for individuals … and restraints upon government power. Canada has now precisely inverted the concept to mean enhanced government power and restraints on individuals.