5 Feet of Fury

Where the man who calls me a ‘racist’ spent last Sunday afternoon

Bernie Farber was at the Gay Pride Parade in Toronto on Sunday. Funny, Bernie didn’t make it to this event.

(Guess partying with naked drunken left wing self-mutilating neurotics is a bigger priority for him, and just way more fun, than confronting sinister Muslim fascists who outnumber you 500 to one… And besides, it’s so cold out in January…)

A friend of mine showed up at Pride too, and brought her trusty video camera…

As I was videotaping groups in the parade line-up, no one complained until I reached a keffiyah-wearing, Palestinian-flag-waving group. I recognized a few members of “Queers Against Israeli Apartheid” as well as NION and was shocked to see a man with his head & face wrapped in a keffiyeh like a terrorist and wearing a bracelet made of bullets. (…)

They denounced me as a Zionist and told me I was not welcome in the Pride Parade which was being held in my own city of Toronto, in my own country of Canada, where my ancestors have lived since 1750.

PS: great photos, too.