5 Feet of Fury

Mark Steyn mentions me (twice) in new Maclean’s column

Oh, and other stuff…

He challenges Canada’s Censor in Chief, Jennifer Lynch, to a mud wrestling match debate:

Okay, if she won’t debate Ezra, I’d be happy to do it. All very “balanced”: Maclean’s can sponsor it, Steve Paikin or some such public-TV cove can anchor it. Name the date, I’ll be there. But, in the absence of any willingness to debate, reasonable people pondering Canada’s strangely ambitious Official Censor might object not just philosophically but on Professor Moon-like utilitarian grounds: if you’re not smart enough to debate Ezra Levant, you’re not smart enough to police the opinions of 30 million people.

Now, if they want to do dwarf tossing instead, I’ll volunteer.

(And if you want a copy of that book of mine, The Tyranny of Nice, Mark Steyn wrote the intro and will personally autograph one for you.)

Speaking of not being smart enough:

Alexander of Hollywood Loser liked something I wrote so much, he made a t-shirt out of it:

Of course, if you felt like plugging this incredibly apt new t-shirt in the comments over at Maclean’s magazine, I can’t stop you, although their admin might… Think of it as “contextual advertising.”

(Not to be confused with the ongoing anti-Jennifer Lynch t-shirt contest over at Blazing Cat Fur. You still have time to VOTE.)

PS: this is the second “Kathy Shaidle” t-shirt, btw. You may remember Binky‘s: