5 Feet of Fury

Kind words about my book ‘The Tyranny of Nice…’

via a truly beautiful looking website called Vivificat!, as part of a post about the repression of dissent around the world:

In Canada, provincial and federal-level “human right commissions” and “tribunals” have been persecuting Christians quite a bit lately, fueled by complaints from homosexual activists against Christian publications and other forms of Christian expression which the activists see as “hateful.” Blogger Kathy Shaidle and Pete Vere document this slide into tyranny in their aptly-named book, The Tyranny of Nice.

According to Mark Steyn, who wrote the introduction to this book, “Canada, one of the oldest continuous constitutional democracies on the planet, is no longer a free society… [In] its determination to enforce a dubious government-mandated ‘niceness’, key elements of the Canadian state have taken a jackhammer to the cornerstone of a free society: freedom of expression, freedom of ideas, freedom of belief, freedom to engage in the whole messy rough’n’tumble of vigorous debate that distinguishes open societies from lesser, stunted, insecure ones. In Canada, in the cause of promoting a bunch of pseudo-’human rights’, a huge federal and provincial bureaucracy has declared war on real human rights — not least the presumption of innocence, the right to a free and fair trial, and the other pillars of our legal system.”