5 Feet of Fury

Canada’s official censor tries to censor TV debate about censorship

Do NOT piss off Ezra Levant.

Incredible, except not really. Welcome to Canada 2009.

Canadian Human Rights Commission chief Jennifer Lynch was invited to appear on national TV to talk about their dubious activities, but when she found out she’d be appearing with Ezra Levant, she backed out.

Then she sent an underling, who appeared only upon the condition that EZRA LEVANT NOT BE ALLOWED TO SPEAK.

Terrifying hilarity ensues as her third-rate rep LIES THROUGH HIS TEETH throughout the segment.

Video must be seen to be believed.

Ezra gets in some interesting points about The Guy Who Is Suing Us.

CTV [contact info] is not a state-owned broadcaster, but why not complain to your MP or the PM anyhow?

UPDATE: welcome, Instapundit readers! I wrote the first-ever book about Canada’s Human Rights Commissions, The Tyranny of Nice: How Canada crushes freedom in the name of human rights — and why it matters to Americans.

Mark Steyn wrote the introduction, and if you buy The Tyranny of Nice from him directly, he will personally sign your copy!


If you’re interested in media bias, looming censorship and the possible re-instatement of the Fairness Doctrine, you may enjoy reading my latest “Right Wing Radio Week in Review”.