5 Feet of Fury

‘I’ll talk to you, if you don’t use my name…’

From the Seattle PI blog:

“The people I work with assume I agree with their liberal looney tune thoughts. I just shut up about politics. Don’t need the aggravation of trying to argue with them.”

While that Seattle employee says it’s “tough to work in a liberal city,” these guys thrive on it: Kirby Wilber, Dori Monson, David Boze, and John Carlson are conservative radio talk show hosts in one of the most liberal cities in America.

Ironically, Seattle is also the birthplace of conservative talk radio…

PS: remember to visit my Conservative Talk Radio website. The news feeds there give you the latest scoop on the return of the Fairness Doctrine, who is feuding with whom, and much more.

(And when you shop at that website, 10% goes to Soldiers’ Angels!)

PPS: the Twitter feed on my Conservative Talk Radio site is set to pick up #talkradio tweets, so that’s how I learned about this cartoon in today’s Washington Post: