5 Feet of Fury

When reality itself is deemed ‘racist’, how can we be expected to speak and think clearly?

Ruben Navarette, Jr is right, and wrong:

You didn’t buy that nonsense about how the anxiety that many Americans feel over illegal immigration — most of which comes from Mexico — is all about respect for law and order and worry over how illegal immigrants supposedly take jobs, drain services, pollute the environment, wreck the schools, and diminish quality of life.

That’s just what people say at dinner parties and on talk radio, so as not to come off as paranoid or racist. You know very well what’s really driving the immigration debate.

It’s the demographics, stupid.

It’s about concerns that the United States is — because of immigration and birthrates — becoming Latinized to the point where whites will soon be a statistical minority.

One person who noticed that trend is the reader from California who wrote me a while back to say that he wants to live around people who resemble him.

“Most people want to live in a community, a nation, where the majority of people are like themselves, racially, ethnically, religiously, etc.,” he wrote. “That is reality, based on biology. It is never going to change.”

Then, he came out with it.

“I being a gringo want to live in a country where people like myself are the majority,” he wrote. “Therefore, I oppose ALL immigration to the U.S. because I don’t want my native country to become a non-white majority country. I have nothing against Latinos. They are fine people. They are just not my people.”

However, Navarette assures us that Mexican immigrants are becoming Americanized, just like all the immigrants before them, so not to worry!

But Jews and Italians and Germans didn’t come to an America that offered “Press #2 for Yiddish” and they didn’t bring with them a culture that looked down upon intellectual achievement, ambition or the rule of law.

I guess there are some realities he can’t bear to face, either.