5 Feet of Fury

Glenn Beck explains ‘why we’re one step closer to giant missile parades’ (!) in new audio book

America’s March to Socialism: Why We’re One Step Closer to Giant Missile Parades is a new audio book that’s a kind of “best of” collection of Beck’s recent broadcasts about the history of American progressivism and where today’s policies might lead us.

No, this stuff isn’t everybody’s “bag” but if you’re a fan of Beck’s or curious about what this latest conservative media controversialist is all about, this audio book is probably a good place to start.

Here’s the thing:

You can get America’s March to Socialism through Audible.com. Longtime readers know I’ve been a member of Audible for years.

Along with talk radio podcasts, Audible talking books (along with my iPod) got me through my last office job.

You know what I’m talking about. The typical conversation at one of today’s cubicle farms consists of women talking about what they had for breakfast, what they might have for lunch, what they did have for lunch, what they’re having for dinner that night — sprinkled with expressions of hatred for Stephen Harper or Dick Cheney and half-understood bits of the latest stupid urban legends and faux science.

Audible talking books kept me from going postal. (You think I’m kidding.)

Anyhow, if you want to save the forests (blech!), keep up with your “reading” while you commute or work out — and block out the soul-destroying murmurings of your fellow employees/bus passengers — think about joining Audible.com. They have something like 60,000 titles to choose from.

My favorite is the discount GOLD membership. I’ve been a Gold member for many years.

GOLD memberships let you download one book every month. Annual membership comes with 12 membership credits (points you can use to get more books for free — one credit = one book!), 30% off future books, and a FREE e-subscription to the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal.

(PS: those credits roll over for up to six months, in case you get busy and forget to use them.)

Gold memberships are only $7.49/Month for the first three months and $14.95 /month after that — or $149.95/Year

The other option? PLATINUM memberships, which come with a 14 day risk free trial and 24 membership credits plus all the benefits you already get with Gold membership. But you get two books FREE when you sign up for that one, so.

Platinum memberships are $22.95/Month or $229.95/Year

Frankly, I think the Gold membership is the better deal. And there’s one very tacky reason it’s my favorite:

When someone buys a Gold Audible.com membership through my links, I get $25.

But when someone buys the more expensive Platinum membership, I get less money.

Nope, me either…

And yes, Audible.com has Gift Certificates and Gift Trial Memberships, but I figured I’d bore you about that when we got closer to Father’s Day and people had forgotten to buy stuff on time.

Cuz I’m just evil that way.