5 Feet of Fury

In other news: let’s see how the BNP does in today’s elections…

In our “Because the Vatican doesn’t issue fatwas” file — UK taxpayers funded TV drama in which a Christian beheaded a Muslim, because as we all know, that happens every day.


[British citizen] Edwin Dyer was in Mali to attend the nomad cultural and music festival at Anderamboukane. An old producer of mine at the BBC used to go to that, and spend about two months every year in Mali recording local musicians. These aren’t events that attract your typical neocon Crusader. But so what? To their captors, they’re infidels, and that’s good enough.

Remember that old hippie dorm room poster:

“Join the Army. Visit foreign lands, meet exotic people — and kill them”?

We need a new version:

“Be a witless liberal. Visit foreign lands, rave about the exotic foods and music and people. Get your head chopped off.”