5 Feet of Fury

Tiller’s murderer: in-depth look at ‘a mentally disturbed, long-time anarchist and convicted felon’

Peter J. Smith reports on the life of an unmedicated schizophrenic.

Remember: all those non-stop Law & Order reruns aside, this is the first murder of an abortion doctor in eleven years. Bringing the total to four since Roe v. Wade.

Illustrating the “Stupid Dead Kid Ruins Cool Toy For Everyone” liberal worldview, leftists are far more outraged about the death of Dr. Tiller than they were about 9/11.

The fewer people who die of something (ideally — like DDT or nuclear energy or global warming — zero) the more upset they are about it. It’s like, their tiny brains can’t handle big stuff or something.

PS: I doubt the Freemen describe themselves as “anarchist”, and actual anarchists would run screaming from the nearest Freeman, but as far as current dictionary definitions go, the word is used appropriately here.