5 Feet of Fury

Did you enjoy Mark Steyn’s podcast on BrassBallsRadio? (with UPDATE)

Sure you did.

You giggled nervously at his tale of being tongue-kissed by Leonard Bernstein.

You cringed when he played that awful Sinatra recording.

You laughed, you cried. It became a part of you.

You and more than 2 million others.

Because that’s how many people downloaded the podcast!

Which is a big accomplishment for Wendy and Mike of BrassBallsRadio.


They’re dreading getting the bill for that bandwidth.

You see: it was free for you to listen to Mark Steyn’s performance, but conservatives know better than anybody that there’s no such thing as a free lunch. Or government bailout. Or podcast…

If you enjoyed the podcast, I hope you’ll hit the BrassBallsRadio tip jar to show your appreciation.

And if you don’t — I hope you feel really, really guilty!!

UPDATE: Mark Steyn himself says — give money…

I had a grand time sitting in for Wendy Sullivan and Mike Williams on the first anniversary edition of their Brass Balls radio show, and was rather chuffed (as they say in Britain) by the reaction.

I don’t play records on the radio very often these days, and a lot of folks seemed to enjoy it, several suggesting that I bring along some of the murkier contents of my music library the next time I guest-host for Rush.

…as Kathy points out, is that Wendy and Mike are now contemplating a rather severe clobbering on their next bandwidth bill.

They put together a terrific show every week, so, if you’re minded to chip twelve dollars – a buck a month – for a year’s worth of great listening, please do so.

Don’t forget, you can stick it on your credit card and, under Good King Barack’s new Obamatopian regime, never have to pay it back! How great a deal is that?