5 Feet of Fury

Ezra Levant takes a jab at the CJC — and The Guy Who Is Suing Us

in today’s Toronto Star:

It is my hope that giving the Saul Hayes Award to [Prime Minister Stephen] Harper – who has publicly criticized human rights commissions and their censorship as “egregious” and “abusive” – will remind the CJC of Hayes’ commitment to free speech, and perhaps lead the CJC back to his good example.

Frankly, the award itself needs Harper’s rehabilitation. The last recipient was Richard Warman, the former human rights investigator who was recently found by the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal to have published many vicious anti-Semitic comments on neo-Nazi websites in a misguided attempt to entrap other “haters.”

Hayes would be beside himself.

Ezra Levant has a new post, mocking B’nai Brith’s (deeply offensive, paternalistic) assertion that without censorship, we would have “anarchy”.
If you said, “Well, WOOT!!!”, you aren’t alone. Ezra responds:

I rather like the idea of living in a country with intellectual anarchy. And, given the fact that you are reading this on the Internet, I get the feeling that you do, too. The Internet is about as lawless a frontier as it gets, when it comes to ideas and information. You will read offensive things on the Internet. But you’re a grown-up. So you can handle it.

Of course, what B’nai Brith really means (as I stated in Ezra’s comments) is that ordinary people, who don’t share the Elite’s affection for multiculturalism and diversity and tolerance and other b.s., shouldn’t be allowed to state their objections to the status quo, lest the Elite’s position in society be threatened.