5 Feet of Fury

Press #2 for Sotomayor. Press #1 for your Senator (UPDATED)

Constitutional Emergency reports:

The Republicans in the senate have a way to stop her, according to Karl Rove. In order for her to be confirmed, at least one Republican has to vote for her in committee. If no Republicans vote for her in committee, then the confirmation can not go to the floor of the senate for confirmation.

They have the phone numbers and emails of the Republicans on the Judicial Committee.

UPDATE: a reader writes in this afternoon:

Either Rove misspoke (which seems implausible) or the people at Constitutional Emergency misheard him. 

Democrats have a 12-7 majority on the Judiciary Committee and even if (hardly likely) two Democrats were to defect, a simple majority would be enough to forward the nomination to the full Senate. 

In 2006 Republicans had a majority in the Senate and on the Judiciary Committee, and the Alito nomination advanced even though no Judiciary Committee Democrat voted for it. 

The scenario attributed to Rove would make sense only if the GOP had a minority in the Senate but a majority on the Committee, but that never happens because the Committee ratios are based are on the party ratios in the full Senate.

Not that GOP Senators shouldn’t vote against her to make a statement,  but it is unlikely to have an effect unless something comes to light that causes Democratic defections.