5 Feet of Fury

$5 Twitter Trick: how to get more Twitter followers — while TwitterFollower is down

John Chow says his new, free — and evidently extremely popular — website TwitterFollower.com will be down for the next couple of days.

That’s a pain, because one of my clients wants me to help increase their number of Twitter followers, and Chow’s automated method is amazing.

However, I’ve almost tripled my followers in the last 10 days, using both TwitterFollower AND the $5 Twitter Trick.


As I mentioned in my review here, the $5 Twitter Trick is a great resource.

You not only learn easy ways to add targeted Twitter followers (who’ll actually be interested in what you’re writing), you also learn about some of the best of all the Twitter applications out there.

And there are lots of Twitter applications out there, so it’s good to have a short, simple guide like the $5 Twitter Trick to steer you towards the half-decent ones.

Plus most of these Twitter apps are free, reliable and easy to use.

For the price of a fancy coffee, Twitter newbies will get a lot out of the $5 Twitter Trick.

I know I did. My understanding of Twitter has increased exponentially since I read it.