5 Feet of Fury

Is that stick up Rod Dreher’s butt organic and locally grown?

I talked about Rod Dreher’s very silly “my stuck up, humorless young twat of a friend listened to Mark Levin for 15 minutes and told me how mean he was” post in my latest Right Wing Radio Week in Review.

Levin himself responds. In fact, he responds in a guest blog post at Riehl World News, which is pretty cool:

Oh my.  How brutish of me.

You would have thought I had spent the last 25 years befriending the likes of Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers, or had driven the car that ended Mary Jo Kopechne’s life.  But no, those are the leaders of the Democratic Party.

Anyway, back to Rod. (…)

Rod is a self-deluded kook.  He is also thin-skinned, like so many of the kooks with God-complexes and a keyboard.

As I study the genius that is Rod and the wisdom of his words in his post about me, I am stunned that a leader of our party and our movement such as Rod would lower himself to use such shock-jock language as “shrill crackpot,” a “cretin,” and a “creep.”  Come now, Rod, we need to raise the level of debate if we are to take back power…

Now, if I might, on to David Frum….

Of course, you’ll want to read the whole thing.