5 Feet of Fury

Gay dudes at HillBuzz cope with growing older (that is, turning 30…)

Note to self: avoid Chicago on Memorial Day Weekends…

This is the first year any of us here at HillBuzz have understood IML or Bear Pride, because as those of us here turn 33 or 34 (or 35, in one case, not to rub that in), we’re starting to age out of the typical Boystown crowd (where, by 35, no one really wants anything to do with you).  It’s a very time-stamped, superficial, dazzling little iron pyrite sort of world.  As you pass 30, and start to see the new crop of fresh faces out there to replace you, you mature enough to appreciate the differences around you, and realize how awesome it is that people not accepted by the mainstream have confidence enough to celebrate themselves free of any shame or self-limitations.