5 Feet of Fury

Thoughts on that Ottawa honor killing trial

Phyllis Chesler writes: “The Montreal Massacrist and Hasibullah Sadiqi Have the Same Kind of Father”

Got an email from Andrew Philips of the Libertarian Party of Canada. I’ve reprinted it here, with his permission:

Well he was provoked wasn’t he? And now his lawyer is saying he was provoked as a defence. Wonderful. If this farcical defence is allowed to actually be accepted in a Canadian court of law it will successfully lead to everyone, both male and female, who is accused of spousal abuse for example to claim they were actually the victim even while they administered the beating or quite possibly worse. “I was provoked” will be the new whine of the new state sanctioned criminal. To what low tolerance level to criminal activities is this country descending in its ongoing attempt to be politically correct. This is just another manifestation of the downside of multi-culturalism and allowing people to keep their medieval customs and beliefs, however loathsome, when they come to Canada.

Even a cursory view of the statistic’s on spousal abuse show an interesting fact. One of the main contentions of the lawyers representing the women is that their status as citizens are in question; that many of the women abused are apparently immigrant woman. In allowing them to carry on in like they did in the old country with it’s outmoded way of thinking we must now certainly look at how it, multi-culturalism is undermining centuries of progress in this country. I suppose if enough women as in this case are shot, beaten to death, strangled, or by whatever means available by people who think this is “honour” we can say we will have achieved the total inclusiveness multi-culturalism is supposed to stand for in Canada. Those of us that survive anyway.

That we as a nation should condone and allow actions like these to constitute a feature of modern life in a not too distant future; as they apparently do now is un-acceptable. Day to day life in which too many females endure these actions now and even more may have to endure as a way of life in the future. A way of life whereby some actions and customs will both sanctify and glorify murder under the ancient and noble ideal of honour. If the defence pulls it off ladies you will, once again, officially be classed as second class citizens. Is this really progress?

I too am provoked; by outrage.