5 Feet of Fury

Garth Turner bails on Michael Coren (?!)

Coren tells the story:

In almost 11 years of hosting a nightly television program I have never had a guest simply fail to show up, without giving anyone any notice whatsoever.

I have to say, however, that with former MP Garth Turner I’m not particularly surprised. Turner has been on my show several times over the years, sometimes requesting the opportunity, and now that he has a book out, Sheeple, we were willing to give him a full hour of interview. Rather generous of us, actually.

 We contacted his publicist at Key Porter, arguably the most dynamic and successful publisher in Canada. The publicist was mortified, even though it was not her fault. She told us she and Turner had seen and discussed last week’s column and he had said he would still do the show but if he decided otherwise he certainly would let us know.

The program is recorded at 11.30 a.m. An e-mail, sent at 12:20 p.m., eventually arrived. “I was on my way, until I read his Sun column. Have a nice day. Garth.” So contemptuous, so little regard for the men and women who work so hard to do their jobs.

Also, so difficult to believe.

We know Turner had actually read the column days earlier. So, as with the alleged comment made by Charles McVety that nobody else heard, is there an alternative world that only particularly gifted people such as Turner can perceive? 

OK, just so we’re clear:

Garth Turner, one of the least-loved individuals in Canadian politics (see above, and read the whole thing), has a book deal with Key Porter.

And I don’t.

Just checking…