5 Feet of Fury

Toronto a ‘multicultural paradise’? What was Will Wilkinson smoking?

Vdare asked me to write a response to Wilkinson’s pro-Toronto piece that just appeared at The Week.

From my inbox, someone with a UCLA address (!) writes:

After reading your article on VDare.com today, I thought I’d look up Toronto’s “most wanted” list.  I don’t know if you’ve seen it , but it in terms of reflecting the U.S. and Canada’s shared immigration mess, it approaches even that of L.A., which to this point I thought was without rival.  Indeed, what is that Wilkinson character smoking!  Must be hallucinogenic.

Another ex-Angeleno writes:

I lived in Los Angeles from 1985-2005.  LA is no longer part of the US.  The Toronto you describe sounds like the LA of today.  A third world hell hole of chaos.